The story of Hisashi Ouchi is a deeply tragic one. Through photographs, we witness the terrible events that unfolded following his exposure to deadly radiation at a nuclear facility in Japan. Ouchi's prolonged suffering and eventually fatal results serve as a stark warning of the terrible potential of nuclear energy. Horas Iguais Estilo Coquette E
Beat the Grease: Ultimate Moisturizer for Shiny Faces
Oily skin can be a real challenge. Finding the ideal moisturizer can feel like searching for a unicorn. You want something that hydrates without triggering your pores to go into overdrive and produce even more oil. Luckily, there are plenty of amazing moisturizers out there specifically formulated for oily skin. Look for words like "oil-free," "non
This is Raquel Zimmermann Brazilian Beauty Reigning Supreme
Raquel Zimmermann has become a dominant force. This Brazilian supermodel with her sultry features and captivating presence has become a household name in the industry. Her versatile style allows her to effortlessly pull off any trend. From Paris to New York, Zimmermann {continues todefine elegance. With every step she takes major model management o